
There are two types of errors in XProc. Dynamic and Static Errors. In this chapter they are summarised and explained.

Static Errors

A Static Error already occurs before the execution of a pipeline. So, the error will not be directly detected. A Static Error may, for example, occur if a port is addressed which is non-existent (e.g. because of a misspelling) or names are used more than once.

Dynamic Errors

Dynamic Errors occur during the execution of a pipeline. So, they are detected only during the running time. A typical example is the disability to locate a file to be loaded externally (e.g. when using <p:document>).

Dynamic Errors lead to a complete abort of the execution of the current pipeline. Except if they are within a <p:try> step. In this case, they are caught by <p:catch> and an alternative execution will be continued.

Step errors

A Step Error is a dynamic error being produced by a step. For example, a <p:validate-with-schematron> step outputs a dynamic error if a validation proves unsuccessful. This error can be caught and analysed accordingly.

You can find a complete listing of all errors and the appropriate explanation on the official XProc website of the W3C.

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