<markupforum/> 2014

On 14 November 2014 the <markupforum/> takes place in Stuttgart under the motto “Metadata and more ...”.

The <markupforum/> is a specialist conference for technically interested people and decision makers who want to get informed about new and established XML technologies. The conference is hosted by the data2type GmbH, the parsQube GmbH and the Stuttgart Media University (HdM).

Also the 4th Markupforum has to offer exciting and multi-faceted presentations of XML experts from the publishing industry, for example:

  • Felix Sasaki (DFKI) with "Tools, open data, vocabularies and scenarios of application for semi-automated metadata generation"
  • Margit Vetter (Verlag Österreich) with "Which know-how should be built up by a publishing company on its own, what can be outsourced? – an experience report"
  • Carsten Schwab (Hoffmann und Campe Verlag) with "XML undressed – quads based on feeling and other eerily beautiful stories from the XML every-day life of belletrists"
  • Lorena Spahn and Katja Hüther with "Metadata in the German National Library"

Are you interested? We will be pleased to welcome you in Stuttgart on 14 November.

More information on the event, the programme and the registration can be found on the pages of the Markupforum 2014.

